Hello !
I'm trying to setup this example without success.
There isn't any problem with arduino sketch load, it compiles ok but when I do the process of adding new node I always get the timeout error.
Debug option is enabled but the only info I can read is the server output in console:
2015-02-17T14:15:27.8243330+01:00 INFO EasyIoTWebinterface EasyIoTConfig Driver Esp8266 /Api/EasyIoT/Config/Driver/Esp8266/AddNode//
I don't know if ESP8266 is running ok or can't getting ip address or so ..
The ESP firmware version is V0.9.2.4 and I can comunicate with at 9600 baud.
The file Esp8266EasyIoTConfig.h is modified according with my wifi parameters (SID and password) + EasyIoT server ip.
can you ping the IP address of your esp8266 module? You can find the IP address in the DHCP table of your router.
What do you see when you connect your arduino (with sketch on it) to your pc and start up serial terminal @115200 baud?
If you are running the windows easyIoT server: windows firewall might be blocking inbound traffic on TCP port 37602, you should create an inbound port rule for this...
I'm running the EasyIoT Server on raspberry py, with raspbian. I think there is no firewall problem since the command iptables --list shows only policy ACCEPT for all traffic.
Try flashing your esp8266 with the latest firmware 9.5.0, the modules I got were also non-functioning right after arrival. A re-flash of firmware solved the problem for me.
Then, you should try a direct serial connection (you can hook up the esp8266 to an arduino's rx and tx pins for this, just make sure the arduino does not use any serial commands, for example load it with blink sketch).
Try connecting to your wifi manually, by issuing AT commands to the module (see espressif AT command reference for details). Does that work?
You need your module to connect to your wifi properly before easyIoT server can find it... and ATM your module isn't even responding OK to the very first command, I'm afraid.
Actually I've followed your suggestion by reflashing ESP firmware with new version and ¡it works ok!.
I'm really happy with it because it's my first "thing" running into this amazing world of IoT.
Thank you very much !