ESP8266 EasyIoT relay

9 years 10 months ago #1552 by asm7100
Replied by asm7100 on topic ESP8266 EasyIoT relay

cdj wrote: I have same problem, when i use relay with 220v esp reset and hang... what can we do ? a 100nf ceramic caps between vcc and ground of esp ? i use a 1000microfarad capacitor on 3.3v in my project and a 100mf on 5v , but nothing change...


you need to uses at last a 10 to 100µF capacitator
10µf is 10000nf


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9 years 10 months ago #1556 by lesjaw
Replied by lesjaw on topic ESP8266 EasyIoT relay

asm7100 wrote: Make a reset circuit, only a capacitor and a resistor

can you explain it more? where this capacitor goes? plus to rst and negatif to ground? 100uF?

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9 years 10 months ago #1558 by asm7100
Replied by asm7100 on topic ESP8266 EasyIoT relay

lesjaw wrote:

asm7100 wrote: Make a reset circuit, only a capacitor and a resistor

can you explain it more? where this capacitor goes? plus to rst and negatif to ground? 100uF?

You can see one here with a switch on it to.


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9 years 10 months ago - 9 years 10 months ago #1560 by ArneiO
Replied by ArneiO on topic ESP8266 EasyIoT relay
Especially the ESP-01 hass been reported to be susceptible to pick up electromagnetic noise causing it to reset. A relay switching high voltages will be quite noisy, and high frequency noise can be expected to reach the module via the GPIO lines that control the relays. A user on reports that the RESET line on the ESP-01 has a layout that could make it especially sensitive to pick up noise, as it follows the edge of the module. He proposes to cut the line on the module. Cutting the line the way he proposes stabilized such an ESP-01 for me. On the other hand, some users report having used "hundreds" of modules and not seen any such problem. So it might be a (chip or module) production lot related issue. But well worth a try for those who struggle. Link to the discussion:

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9 years 10 months ago #1561 by asm7100
Replied by asm7100 on topic ESP8266 EasyIoT relay
Have you remembered a diode across the relay


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9 years 10 months ago #1562 by ArneiO
Replied by ArneiO on topic ESP8266 EasyIoT relay

asm7100 wrote: Have you remembered a diode across the relay

In my case i used a relay board with optocouplers etc - and diodes.

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