Really like what easyIOT has done so far but I am wondering about a few things.
Would it be possible to have this type of interface running offline using a raspberry pi with a touchscreen and NRF24L01 Nodes? In the sense that if the internet goes down there is a backup method to control each node and change settings regarding them?
To my understanding the RPI acts as a gateway when used with the NRF24L01s to allow you to control them over the internet without needing an esp8266 at every node, at the same time you are able to use the rpi to host your webpage at the moment so why not make it a terminal? At first it seems not cost effective to make the raspberry pi a terminal because we have our cellphones and computer but if the internet is down then we have an issue of not being able to talk to the NRF24L01s anymore. I am fairly new to all of this so if there is already an obvious fallback to interacting with your hardware without internet connection forgive me!
Really like what easyIOT has done so far but I am wondering about a few things.
Would it be possible to have this type of interface running offline using a raspberry pi with a touchscreen and NRF24L01 Nodes? In the sense that if the internet goes down there is a backup method to control each node and change settings regarding them?
To my understanding the RPI acts as a gateway when used with the NRF24L01s to allow you to control them over the internet without needing an esp8266 at every node, at the same time you are able to use the rpi to host your webpage at the moment so why not make it a terminal? At first it seems not cost effective to make the raspberry pi a terminal because we have our cellphones and computer but if the internet is down then we have an issue of not being able to talk to the NRF24L01s anymore. I am fairly new to all of this so if there is already an obvious fallback to interacting with your hardware without internet connection forgive me!
Keep up the great work
EasyIoT is framework. This mean that you create your own configuration that suits your needs. For example you can use EasyIoT server without ESP8266. ESP8266 is just sensor network like NRF24L01, but it works on WiFi.
If you asking me how to control NRF24L01 sensors without internet connection on RPI you have more options:
-connect to RPI directly to computer - no internet is needed. You just set static IP to RPI and connect computer directly on RPI over network cable. Access RPI on computer browser with static RPI's IP address
-control EasyIoT server with SMS interface
-touch screen on Raspberry Pi and use of browser - this options was not tested yet
Being new to the lingo does that mean I could use the easyIOT framework and change the menu layouts, how pages look etc? But the majority of the programming has been done by smart people like yourself?
Sorry for making my post a bit backwards but basically what I am asking is can the easyIOT framework be used if the internet goes offline. I know it seems a bit stupid since it is and internet of things network but im curious if the esp8266 network can still work without the internet in anyway. Like if my air conditioning was connected to the easyIOT framework and the internet went down would I be able to pull up an offline version to be able to turn on the air conditioner through the easyIOT interface?
Hi Singhm29,
EasyIot framework will work without internet access on your local LAN. The Rpi is runing the webserver and the NRF base station most likely. From your PC or the Smartphone , you are using to control the NRF nodes, you just want to make sure you have access to your webserver through the ip address of your base station. Internet connectivity is not required , but you certainly need some kind of ip network between your controller and the base some kind of switch/router/hub is required to which your rpi and your pc or phone (and also your ESP8266 nodes) are connected to, if that does make any sense. If your switch goes down then no, you will not be able to control your nodes.
Hi Singhm29,
Yes! The answer is Yes definitively Yes! You don't have to be connected to the internet or even to ethernet.
But it seems you make a confusion between Lan and Wan, Ethernet and internet .
Internet (the inter-network) is Wan (WideAreaNetwork), that is you need a gateway to interconnect your Lan where the Raspberry reside and the internet from where you may want to be able to access your data.
Ethernet is a media, as USB, BT or WiFi.
The EasyIoT server reside in your Raspberry. As a web server, (and it's the case of most devices that you can setup using web pages like a NAS or a Gateway), you can access to the server using three interfaces:
internally: Using address In theory, (I say that because I didn't test it, it's a long time I don't use the graphical part any more) you have to run the graphical environnement (that is X window under Raspbian) and then run the browser and open page (ie localhost). For doing this you have several possibilities
the best solution is to connect an USB keyboard/mouse and watch on a HDMI monitor
but you can also plug a shield with a LCD and a touch screen (take care of the resolution you'll need and be aware that bigger resolution also means slower display). You'll need additional software to handle the shield but there are solutions
locally: Using mainly an address in the range In that case, you are connected by LAN to the RaspberryPi where EasyIoT is running, via WiFi or via ethernet using a RJ45 cable connected to a switch. For WiFi you need an AccesPoint that manage the Radio Network and an adapter for the Raspberry (shield or USB dongle). You access the server from a terminal, which is an other device than the RaspberryPi. It's address is different but belongs to the same range.
remotely Here, your LAN is connected to the internet by the mean of a gateway (the ADSL box from your provider for instance) and a router that you'll have to setup in order to allow access to your server.
THIS is internet
Sorry to be so a chatterbox, maybe you already know all that (and I hope so ) but in that case I don't understand your questions (neither).
Last edit: 10 years 1 month ago by Xavier. Reason: oops too slow - grilled