I try to update my local EasyIOT server (raspberry pi2) from arduino Uno but connected with esp8266.
The wifi connection has no problem.
I also can connect to my raspberrry. I cannot do virtual node update.
This is what arduino is sending to esp8266: ESP8266 Demo
Module is ready
OK, Connected to WiFi.
POST data to URL:
POST /Api/EasyIoT/Control/Module/Virtual/N4S0/ControlLevel/20.00 HTTP / 1.1
Connection: close
Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46ZxVwYQ==
Content - Length: 0
I am reciving some garbage:
My question: How do I authorize with server and shouldn't i use AT+CIPSEND=length of the string to be send?
Are there any documentation?
I already started and I have read build examples.
If you know how to update virtual node using AT commands or know where the answer is, please point me to it.