Hmm I thinck i need som help to understand this.
1. I have a Raspberry PI connected to my router on my local netvork.
2. I have a ESP8266 Modul 12, that have Nodemcu install firmware.
3 Is it poseble to write som software in my ESP8266 modul in LUA lang. And then have it to connect with my raspberry pi with EasyloT server software installed?
4 What is Arduino IDE for ESP8266 ? Is it a develop envirement for ESP8266 Modules, where you write your software in C and then use Arduino IDE for ESP8266 to program the esp8266 modul??
5 I Use ESP8266 modul 12 (ESP-12) Is that ok or itit only ESP-01 moduls there works??
Hope sombody will help me out here. And sorry for my english, Iam Danish
asm7100 wrote: So in ? 4 you dont need a Arduino to use Arduino IDE for esp8266?
ESP-12 Have many i/o pins, is it possebel to use more af thos, like to connect a ds18d20 to it and maby a mcp23017 to have many more i/o
No, you do not need an arduino. The ESPs have a powerful microcontroller.
Yes, you can use the GPIOs with a port expander. It all comes down to programming the ESP. Being able to program the ESPs with compiled code by using the Arduino IDE is a big advantage. There is a lot of information to find in various discussions on
. But don´t expect to get the information served to you. The ESP8266 is kind of "work in progress", with several developments ongoing in parallell.
Just to clarify. You can use esp8266 in three ways :
1) Arduino connected with AT software
2) NodeMCU with LUA and no need any Arduino software/hardware.
3) Arduino IDE (no need of Arduino - but you program it in Arduino "C#" language )