PupazzoGnappo wrote: No way.
Tried to reboot, shutdown and boot, unplug, format sd card and the burn the image again.
Nothing to do. When adding a node( MySensor), it crashes
I noticed, that you send sketch name. Remove it from Arduino program, because it's not needed. Maybe this text is too long.
Just found the problem. Nothing relative to cache ( that was clean) or sketch. I noticed that there was a problem with a dirty bit in raspbian start up . Solved that, solved (quite) all. Now system is working fine but does not start up at system boot anymore
Another problem i noticed is that , if i start my server after all my nodes are running, server has no problems. if i power a node while the system is running, system crashes
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Plain is smart. Smart is plain
Last edit: 10 years 2 months ago by PupazzoGnappo. Reason: Update
PupazzoGnappo wrote: Just found the problem. Nothing relative to cache ( that was clean) or sketch. I noticed that there was a problem with a dirty bit in raspbian start up . Solved that, solved (quite) all. Now system is working fine but does not start up at system boot anymore
Another problem i noticed is that , if i start my server after all my nodes are running, server has no problems. if i power a node while the system is running, system crashes
I've checked. The server crashes if you send string longer than 24 characters. In your case you are sending gw.sendSketchInfo with longer text. The problem is actually bug in MySensors library, which send message length 31 instead of 24. I've added additional checks in my code and now works ok. It will be available in next release. For now you can shorten string messages and it will work without problems.
It looks like you are sending a sensor type 2 (t=2, V_LIGHT) instead of a sensor type 3 (t=3, V_DIMMER) and Arduino node aknowledges with this wrong type.
It looks like you are sending a sensor type 2 (t=2, V_LIGHT) instead of a sensor type 3 (t=3, V_DIMMER) and Arduino node aknowledges with this wrong type.
Do you think this error can be corrected?
Thanks for your good work. I love this project
Hi, thx.
I've made update. Repalce existing MySensorsDriver.dll on Raspberry Pi with this one