Forward data to Thingspeak

6 years 3 months ago #4001 by Pekkis69

I need make automation code how I can send data from EasyIOT server to Thingspeak. This is examble how is possible send by browser " *** Write API key *** &field1=0"

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5 years 8 months ago #4012 by essenemari
EasyIoT's DB is based on SQL-lite. Having that info you can consider to write some loop to read DB and use CURL to send data wherever you want.

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4 years 1 month ago - 4 years 1 month ago #4025 by essenemari
Oftopic, however maybe useful for someone. I discovered very quick way to get data from DB.

For analyses of home heating costs, I needed to know average temperature in home from few sensors and temperature outside.

0. choose your time range. Convert dates to epoch time in miliseconds:
1. In Linux command line run sqllite (maybe done from W10 DB Browser for SQLite)
2. attach DB from EasyIoT
attach "/home/pi/easyiot/EasyIoTDatabase.sqlite" as db1;
3. check tables 
4. Pull the addressid of nodes you need, i.e.
select * from addresses where address="N4S0";
5. take average temperature from sensors inside in time frame i.e. from 1st February to 20th February 
select avg(value) from raw_values where address in (3, 6, 4, 7, 5) and timestamp between 1610236800000 and 1613779200000; 
enjoy your output. 
6.  Take average temperature from weather station sensors:
select avg(value) from raw_values where address=6 and timestamp between 1610236800000 and 1613779200000; 

I am copy database to Windows or Desktop Linux instead of running it directly on Rpi to not overload SD Card (5th year the same card with EasyIoT)

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