I would like to ask if it is possible to port EasyIoT to OpenWRT system.
If we could have connections via ESP8266 or any other TCP / HTTP devices, maybe it can be possible to use a router as a server.
igna.worn wrote: Hello,
I would like to ask if it is possible to port EasyIoT to OpenWRT system.
If we could have connections via ESP8266 or any other TCP / HTTP devices, maybe it can be possible to use a router as a server.
By the way, your project is awesome
I would say yes if you can install mono on OpenWrt. I don't own OpenWRT to test it.
If you own OpenWrt I suggest you to do this.
Install mono (follow instructions on server setup page). Then copy complete installation for Windows - not Raspberry Pi. Windows installation is without Raspberry Pi HW dependent drivers. Then replace System.Data.SQLite.dll with System.Data.SQLite.dll from Raspberry Pi installation. Then try to run sudo mono EasyIoT.exe.
Please report your result.