I am afraid, that playing with Rpi4 only (like bcm2835) may be not enough because there is such EasyIoT file like RPiGPIODriver.dll which probably should be also updated?
However I am afraid that there will no more updates and info from EasyIoT admin as looks like he abandoned this awesome, really awesome, project
would you be so kind and look at this issue and let us know if this issue can be fixed on Raspberry Pi4 level without touching EasyIoT internal code by your or this is something that must be fixed on EasyIoT side? If it would require fix on EasyIoT side, would it be possible that you can fix it?
Please let me know.
Thanks and regards
Last edit: 4 years 1 week ago by essenemari. Reason: precising question
Looks like new members are not able to register + creating new posts by users is also not working. This forum seems to be dead and broken.
If someone would have fix for running the EasyIoT Server on RPi4 (or ideas about fix/workaround) and would be willy to share, please put them on Facebook group: