ESP8266 EasyIoT sensor using tzapu WiFiManager

7 years 7 months ago #3862 by UncleChris
The biggest problem with the ESP8266 sketches is that most of them require hard coded credentials. I have created a project that uses the excellent WiFiManager library ( ) to allow WiFi credentials & EasyIoT settings to be added at run time. The variables are then stored in the flash filing system.

Follow the ESP8266 WiFi PIR motion sensor (Arduino IDE) instructions to add the node to the server and flash the ESP-01 with the code from the attached repsoitory.

Configuration mode is entered by pulling GPIO3 to ground which will switch the ESP into Access Point mode. You can then log in from a phone, laptop etc and select the SSID you want to use, set the EasyIoT values and off you go.

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