Touch screen thermostat without esp8266

8 years 3 months ago #3597 by fr3nk2000
Hi, first of all I wanted to thank you for sharing your projects..I wanted to ask if I can use your thermostat code without esp8266 or i can disable esp8266 function in your sketch?I want use it Only as local thermostat...

Thank you

PS.sorry for my bad english

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8 years 3 months ago #3598 by EasyIoT

fr3nk2000 wrote: Hi, first of all I wanted to thank you for sharing your projects..I wanted to ask if I can use your thermostat code without esp8266 or i can disable esp8266 function in your sketch?I want use it Only as local thermostat...

Thank you

PS.sorry for my bad english

I guess yes. Remove ESP8266 library and all ESP8266 library calls in Arduino program and it should work.

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8 years 3 months ago #3599 by fr3nk2000
Esp8266EasyIoT.h and every reference?

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8 years 3 months ago #3600 by EasyIoT

fr3nk2000 wrote: Esp8266EasyIoT.h and every reference?


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8 years 3 months ago #3602 by fr3nk2000
ok thanks so much ... Tomorrow I try.. it would be possible also to interface a wemos d1 board?

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8 years 3 months ago #3605 by fr3nk2000
Hi, I tried to remove any esp8266 references,but it is very difficult, there are too many library calls,so I thought I would not touch the code and ,if possible,use wemos d1 (nodemcu board) instead esp8266 in your prohect is possible ?I tried, but it seems not work ,which pin I should use on nodemcu?

Thank you

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