Ok, I am starting to get a little bit mad about EasyIot.
I admit that I don't have great knowlege about programming or Linux, but I can see when something is messed up.
I finally succedeed to properly install EasyIoT server and run it as a service. Official guide sucks and it took me a lot of digging on forum and comment section to discover all the errors in the guide+ as I said, I am not a Linux pro so I didn't enjoyed googling Linux commands to be able to do things. That's the reason why I will make complete guide about installation with detailed pictures od all steps.
Next- problem with libraries and Arduino IDE-there should be tutorial/announcment on main blog about this. Also, proper links for every used library should be in one place. Forcing user to search for missing libraries is bad-really bad.
Another problem is the code itself- this is connected with library problem but I can only get running code that doesn't require more additional libraries- ESP8266 Switch (Arduino IDE) is working, but Arduino+ESP8266 DH22 is not working.
Lastest problem I got is with ESP8266 WiFi DS18B20 temperature sensor:
Arduino: 1.6.5 (Windows 8.1), Board: "Generic ESP8266 Module, 80 MHz, 40MHz, DIO, 115200, 1M (512K SPIFFS), ck, Disabled, None"
temp_easyiot.ino: In function 'void setup()':
temp_easyiot:54: error: 'base64_encode' was not declared in this scope
'base64_encode' was not declared in this scope
So, what do I do here? Will I get help or be ignored like anybody else? I know you all read this-my last post was erased by admin (he can erase posts but can't help-yay).
I don't want to spam dev wit this, but seems that the only way if nobody replies since I want to use this Easy(hard)IoT.