I've just implemented mqtt small library for m590 + arduino Pro Mini and tested it. Working fine but although it was possible to publish one value I failed to publish JSON. I tried samples for JSON + MQTT provided with google but failed. So my questions to admin:
1. Is this feature implemented?
2. With which mqtt topic It works?
3. In module #1 I want to change sensor "T". Could you please provide working JSON sample { "T" : 12345 }
Zaitsev wrote: I've just implemented mqtt small library for m590 + arduino Pro Mini and tested it. Working fine but although it was possible to publish one value I failed to publish JSON. I tried samples for JSON + MQTT provided with google but failed. So my questions to admin:
1. Is this feature implemented?
2. With which mqtt topic It works?
3. In module #1 I want to change sensor "T". Could you please provide working JSON sample { "T" : 12345 }
You did not tell which platform do you use? Cloud or Server? They are different. In Cloud you have REST API and MQTT broker. If you are using MQTT on Cloud why do you want to publish JSON? Just send value and it will bi displayed on WB interface. If you are using REST API V1, then you can use JSON to post data.
1. I use Cloud platrform and have to save RAM and ROM because I use Atmega168 with 16k ROM and 1k RAM. Also I have to save battery life and network traffic. So I tried to place all my sensors' data into one package using JSON in MQTT, folowing Edwin Kester, whose SIM800_MQTT library I used as starting point for my one, but failed.
2. I am not sure, but Rest API does not provide QoS reply, am I rigth? I employ QoS=1.
I do not know if I understand you. If you want just send sensor values to Cloud I recommend you to use REST API.
In V1.0 you can set more sensor values with one call.