I'm creating a thermostat with esp8266 and espruino. Some questions:
- how can I get the latest stored target temperature from mqtt?
- how can I get the latest switch button state from mqtt?
- how can I store dates + temperatures what is an array with the web interface?
I have probles runing after turning on the thermostat first (or reset it), couse it does not know the latest values.
HyGy wrote: I'm creating a thermostat with esp8266 and espruino. Some questions:
- how can I get the latest stored target temperature from mqtt?
- how can I get the latest switch button state from mqtt?
- how can I store dates + temperatures what is an array with the web interface?
I have probles runing after turning on the thermostat first (or reset it), couse it does not know the latest values.
right now we are testing new REST API with much more options to read and write data points. I guess new API can answer most of your questions.