Yet Another Relay module and light control

9 years 11 months ago #866 by sdinesh86
Hello All,

I just got my Arduino+ESP8266+Relay setup working and tested it with 4 relays and it works like charm, I am very impressed with the ease of use and setup of EasyIoT, Before bumping into easyiot i was breaking my head on OpenHab and struggled quit a lot setting it up but setting up and getting the first light lit up was like a breeze with EasyIoT A huge thanks to the people behind it.

Now after testing out and successfully getting one thing done I am planning on spending some time and looking around the code.

I am planning on making it a complete package and implementing it in the switch board. I will keep poting my build log.

Over and Out for now
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9 years 11 months ago #905 by lewys.martin
I feel you mate,
I was messing around with random instructables showing me how to use the ethernet shield on arduinos to control relays and my god it was messy xD

and so chunky!! arrg

then i found easyiot and was all "this cant be real, its to great, whats the catch?"

but there was no catch and now its great :D

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9 years 11 months ago #913 by sdinesh86

then i found easyiot and was all "this cant be real, its to great, whats the catch?"

I was also in the same situation and honestly i spent nearly 2 days going all around to see if there is any catch. and I didnt find any. thats when I took this seriously and got working.

I spent this weekend on the code and tried a few things with capacitive touch, I am writing building and testing everything in modular fashion tackling one thing at a time.

So after testing and trying out few things I have finally come up with a set up, and here it is.

EasyIoT running on RasberryPi B+ and connected to the main router in the house
This pi will be serving 2 purposes 1. EasyIoT server and 2. DHCP server ( I still have to test this and is in the ToDo list for next weekend )

Then I will have a Bare bones arduino hooked up with Esp8266 ( Esp 05 variant) and 3 relays + 3 touch sensors ( Simple resistors and Aluminium Foil ).

I have forked the Capsense library and made a handy callback code, similar to the EasyIoT messaging callback,
Both these callbacks and then forwarded to a function which takes care of updating the status of the light and each other based on the incoming data. ( I still have few things to work on the EasyIoT side though )

so thats it for now I will update with code and pics in this week

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9 years 11 months ago - 9 years 11 months ago #921 by EasyIoT

lewys.martin wrote: then i found easyiot and was all "this cant be real, its to great, whats the catch?"
but there was no catch and now its great :D

It reads like commercial :)

I was looking for easy IoT solution, but I did not found any, so I've created EasyIoT framework basically for me. Then I gave it to others to build IoT things. Feel free to use it for your home DIY projects.
And I'm impressed how many good ideas I've got from this community.
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9 years 11 months ago #927 by sdinesh86
It surely is a great solution for easy iot ( Well suited name :) ).
I am not a good programmer and still getting my head around electronics but i would surely like to contribute to the project even smallest possible if any.

The first thing I would like to do, is tomake the UI more intuitive, like removing the extra popup that we have for toggling the relay on / off,
i was going through the HTML, CSS and JS in order to see if can do anything, so you think it would be possible, if yes can you guide me on the same.

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9 years 11 months ago #952 by sdinesh86
Hello EasyIoT,

Is it possible to make changes to UI and have a simple toggle switch instead of an extra pop up for the on / off.
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