Have anybody used ESP8266 lua with more than one i

9 years 10 months ago #1426 by asm7100
Have anybody used ESP8266 lua with more than one input / output?
Maby with a ds18b20 or DHT??


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9 years 9 months ago - 9 years 9 months ago #1528 by choncba
Hi, I assume you have a ESP8266 module with more than one input/output, such as the ESP-07 or ESP-12, for use its pins in LUA you must see the table of pin equivalence number: NodeMCU Firmware on Github
(See GPIO NEW TABLE ( Build 20141219 and later))

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9 years 9 months ago #1530 by asm7100
Yeps i have 3 esp-12, but its more how to programet with the use off like say ds18b20 son other in / out.


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9 years 9 months ago - 9 years 9 months ago #1531 by Dennis
for one-wire bus this is no problem (read: ds18b20 can be chained together and need just one data pin, since they all have unique addresses).

For dht11/22 i'm not sure...

edit - i am not sure to understand the question correctly, but i have a pwm dimmer and dht11 sensor connected to a esp-01 module running nodemcu, so yes - more than one i/o is possible if this was meant..


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9 years 9 months ago - 9 years 9 months ago #1546 by asm7100
I know all the electronics, it is more programming of multiple device in esp12 module.

How, in the same software for example can read a DS18B20 (or more) and some in / out ports, for example, doors and windows. turn on the lights, etc.


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