nodeMCU dimmer/switch/temp.sensor without arduino

9 years 6 months ago #796 by VasilijHCN
Anyone has a DS18b20 lua & automation code for ?

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9 years 6 months ago #799 by lewys.martin
I ordered a NodeMCU test board just now,
I will try to develop some more scripts for it when it arrives and will share here!
The following user(s) said Thank You: VasilijHCN

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9 years 6 months ago - 9 years 6 months ago #800 by Dennis
Hello all!

@Dario: I think you will need to modify the "read" function in Vladimirs BMP085 query module, so it can return either temperature or pressure, depending on what you query. This makes things a lot easier. For example, you can compare original and modified DHT22.lua module... Then, adjusting the init-lua webserver part to react to "GETTEMP" and "GETPRESSR" (?) is piece of cake (almost), the automation code in eIoT does not need modification (or, very little - only the command that is sent, maybe the module value name that is being altered)

@Vasilij, I'd be interested too in DS18b20, only adjustment of esp8266 lua code should be needed, easyIoT automation code for polling the temperature can stay as is, I think. Only thing I know is, the ds18b20 example on nodeMCU github repo is not working (thats what they say over at the esp8266 forums, at least)

@lewys: I've ordered some ESP modules with all pins broken out. What does the dev board have in addition - onboard voltage supply maybe? Opto couplers? edit- this one I ordered:

And to all, I'm thinking about splitting up the code in small parts (maybe one for each node type, sensors, actors etc - maybe also common or useful combos like switch/temperature or dimmer/light sensor, or,...), then you could fork the github project, further develop it on your own and issue a pull request if you implement any cool features ort improvements, to have me join your code with the existing base. This way we could build a nice and complete library of easyIoT nodeMCU nodes for any desired kind of sensor/actor together.

What do you think?

(btw, I added some stability improvements to the DHT11 part, since the node sometimes rebooted on me every few hours while being queried, and also sometimes a query did not return any value at all. Now with the fixed code, the node has been online for 18 hours without a single reboot. If things remain stable, I'll upload new version)

The following user(s) said Thank You: cdj

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9 years 6 months ago - 9 years 5 months ago #802 by VasilijHCN
Look at this
Here is alternative firmware with many sensor type support, in free version maybe we can get temperature info from it.
Sensors read command is http://ESP_IP/sensors
Data are output through a point from a comma. (:)
I get this dsw1:17.9;dsw2:17.9;
dsw -ds18b20 sensor(dsw1 dsw2 sensor numbers)
In IOT automation we need request temperature from
and extract temperature data from dsw1:17.9;dsw2:17.9;
My programming skill is to low for this.

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9 years 6 months ago - 9 years 5 months ago #806 by cdj
Dennis as usual You're right! I have a dimmer/dht11 node in test from some days and there are lots of reboot...

Now i've tried a couple of hours to adapt dht for bmp180....obviously without success (i'm not a coder)
If i try to launch manually dofile("bmp085.lua").read(sda, scl) node restart :whistle:

and i don't understand if sda and scl is on GPIO0 and GPIO2 or reverse!
EDIT: IT WORKS, sda and scl must be replaced with pins !

Here is the files....if someone want to take a look....max goal is to read pressure and also temp or altitude (but this i think that is a calculated value?) ...

Thanks in advice and regards

init.lua :
--myval = dofile("dht22.lua").read(4,false,false)
-- Example:
-- dofile("bmp085.lua").read(sda, scl)
--print("BMP180", dofile("bmp085.lua").read(sda, scl))



          print("Input: "..payload) 
          if string.find(payload,"GETPRESSURE") then
          print("Received pressure request")
               dofile("bmp085.lua").read(sda, scl)
               print("reading value")
               myval = (dofile("bmp085.lua").read(sda, scl))
               print("read "..myval)
          elseif string.find(payload,"GETTEMP") then
               print("Received temperature request")
               --what is command for read temp???
               print("reading value")
               --myval = (dofile("dht22.lua").read(4,false,true)/10)
               print("read "..myval)

     end -- end if
    end) -- end srv conn:on receive function

        print("Closing connection")
    end) -- end srv conn:on sent function

  end) -- end srv:listen function

print ("easyIoT Pressure/temperature sensor for nodeMCU")
print ("Based on QuinLED_ESP8266_V0.4")
print ("Version 0.6 (c) 2015 by DennisSc ")

bmp085.lua :
-- BMP085 query module
-- Vladimir Dronnikov <>
-- Heavily based on work of Christee <>
-- Example:
-- print(dofile("bmp085.lua").read(sda, scl))
local M
  -- cache
  local i2c, tmr = i2c, tmr
  -- helpers
  local r8 = function(reg)
    i2c.address(0, 0x77, i2c.TRANSMITTER)
    i2c.write(0, reg)
    i2c.address(0, 0x77, i2c.RECEIVER)
    local r =, 1)
    return r:byte(1)
  local w8 = function(reg, val)
    i2c.address(0, 0x77, i2c.TRANSMITTER)
    i2c.write(0, reg)
    i2c.write(0, val)
  local r16u = function(reg)
    return r8(reg) * 256 + r8(reg + 1)
  local r16 = function(reg)
    local r = r16u(reg)
    if r > 32767 then r = r - 65536 end
    return r
  -- calibration data
  local AC1, AC2, AC3, AC4, AC5, AC6, B1, B2, MC, MD
  -- read
  local read = function(sda, scl, oss)
    i2c.setup(0, sda, scl, i2c.SLOW)
    -- cache calibration data
    if not AC1 then
      AC1 = r16(0xAA)
      AC2 = r16(0xAC)
      AC3 = r16(0xAE)
      AC4 = r16u(0xB0)
      AC5 = r16u(0xB2)
      AC6 = r16u(0xB4)
      B1  = r16(0xB6)
      B2  = r16(0xB8)
      MC  = r16(0xBC)
      MD  = r16(0xBE)
    if not oss then oss = 0 end
    if oss <= 0 then oss = 0 end
    if oss > 3 then oss = 3 end
    -- get T
    w8(0xF4, 0x2E)
    local t = r16(0xF6)
    local X1 = (t - AC6) * AC5 / 32768
    local X2 = MC * 2048 / (X1 + MD)
    t = (X2 + X1 + 8) / 16
    -- get raw P
    w8(0xF4, 0x34 + 64 * oss)
    tmr.delay((4 + 3 ^ oss) * 1000)
    local p = (r8(0xF6) * 65536 + r8(0xF7) * 256 + r8(0xF8)) / 2 ^ (8 - oss)
    -- normalize P
    local B6 = t * 16 - 8 - 4000
    local X1 = B2 * (B6 * B6 / 4096) / 2048
    local X2 = AC2 * B6 / 2048
    local X3 = X1 + X2
    local B3 = ((AC1 * 4 + X3) * 2 ^ oss + 2) / 4
    X1 = AC3 * B6 / 8192
    X2 = (B1 * (B6 * B6 / 4096)) / 65536
    X3 = (X1 + X2 + 2) / 4
    local B4 = AC4 * (X3 + 32768) / 32768
    local B7 = (p - B3) * (50000 / 2 ^ oss)
    p = B7 / B4 * 2
    X1 = (p / 256) ^ 2
    X1 = (X1 * 3038) / 65536
    X2 = (-7357 * p) / 65536
    p = p + (X1 + X2 + 3791) / 16
    -- Celsius * 10, Hg mm * 10
    p = p * 3 / 40
    -- has floats? divide by 10
    if 1/2 ~= 0 then
      t, p = t / 10, p / 10
    return t, p
  -- expose
  M = {
    read = read,
return M

pressure.c (Automation) :
//Programma Pressione
const String ESP8266_IP_ADDRESS = "";
const String NODE_ADDRESS = "N5S0";
  This code is running one time when program is enabled
public void Setup()
  This code is running periodicaly when program is enabled. 
  Cron job detirmine running period.
public void Run()
  String response = QueryServer("GETPRESSURE");
  ModuleHelper.SetProperty("Virtual", NODE_ADDRESS, "Sensor.Pressure", response.ToString());
  EventHelper.SetEvent("Virtual", NODE_ADDRESS, "Sensor.Pressure");
private static string QueryServer(String message)
		Console.WriteLine("TCP client command: " + message + "\r\n");
		Int32 port = 43333;
		System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient client = new System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient( ESP8266_IP_ADDRESS, port);
		Byte[] data = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(message);
		System.Net.Sockets.NetworkStream stream = client.GetStream();
		stream.Write(data, 0, data.Length);
		data = new Byte[256];
		String responseData = String.Empty;
		Int32 bytes = stream.Read(data, 0, data.Length);
		responseData = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(data, 0, bytes);
		// Close everything.
		return responseData;
	catch(Exception e)
		Console.WriteLine(e.StackTrace + "\r\n");
return "0.00";

EDIT:ADDED another automation for temp (and obviously another virtual node)
temp.c :
//Programma Temperatura Esterna
const String ESP8266_IP_ADDRESS = "";
const String NODE_ADDRESS = "N6S0";
  This code is running one time when program is enabled
public void Setup()
  This code is running periodicaly when program is enabled. 
  Cron job detirmine running period.
public void Run()
  String response = QueryServer("GETTEMP");
  ModuleHelper.SetProperty("Virtual", NODE_ADDRESS, "Sensor.Temperature", response.ToString());
  EventHelper.SetEvent("Virtual", NODE_ADDRESS, "Sensor.Temperature");
private static string QueryServer(String message)
		Console.WriteLine("TCP client command: " + message + "\r\n");
		Int32 port = 43333;
		System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient client = new System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient( ESP8266_IP_ADDRESS, port);
		Byte[] data = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(message);
		System.Net.Sockets.NetworkStream stream = client.GetStream();
		stream.Write(data, 0, data.Length);
		data = new Byte[256];
		String responseData = String.Empty;
		Int32 bytes = stream.Read(data, 0, data.Length);
		responseData = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(data, 0, bytes);
		// Close everything.
		return responseData;
	catch(Exception e)
		Console.WriteLine(e.StackTrace + "\r\n");
return "0.00";


P.S. In the next life i want to born programmer !

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9 years 6 months ago #807 by lewys.martin
I have not had much luck connecting esp8266 to serial on my computer with my USB serial adapters, this one has node MCU already flashed and built in USB TTL+ regulator :)

So it will be easier for me to learn on!

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