Today i can say :DS3231 working prefect. If raspberry pi lost internet connection time is allways right. How i connect this arduino module and set up i write if it is interesting. Sorry only my English. My mother tongue is Estonian
I do nat have a RTC, but did order one, shoud be comming in the mail soon.
Thinking about the technical part, I do think that it has all to do with the Raspberry and nothing to do with the rest of the software.
Just like a PC, that does have an RTC, this should never effect the software (other than the time being set).
If this does work for you, could you let us know?, or if you run into any problems than also let us know
I think I have missed your last update, where you mention that it all works good, sorry.... could you share with us how you have done this?
Personally would like to know if it was easy.
This is was very easy. DS3231 is better than DS 1307. I bought this from Ebay. If you lost internet connection. How you Raspberry knows what is time? For this situation it needs hardware clock.
And for last. We need show hardware clock time
#sudo hwclock --show
if it shows UTC time and you need set it to localtime
#sudo hwclock --systohc --localtime
and save this
#sudo hwclock -s
and watching time with
#sudo hwclock -r