this is my first post in the forum, so first of all hello every one!
Now back to the topic.
I just found out about easyiot-cloud some month ago. I have some kinda small project for the uni where I want to use it in combination with an android app. I saw already there's really much i can customise in EIC and there're some APIS I can play with (REST,MQTT and the js-API which is not documented thou and so makes developing/debugging much harder:'( ).
I also stumbled over the user management, which feeds my needs nicely, besides the fact I dint find any "automatic" method to register new users to my acc.
To explain what I mean:
I have a Android App where the web-view of EIC should be seen. And I want that every user can register to my cloud.
I know I could get all values via REST/MQTT for example, but I like the look and feel of EIC and I already put effort in the design, so I'm really looking for a solution to add new users with the InstanceId or Authtoken/Un/Pw(even better without the later ones).