ESP8266 + DS18B20 not showing temp

8 years 1 month ago #3690 by majklcze1
Hi there,
I have exactly followed the tutorial how to program and how to connect ESP with DS18 to make wireless temp. meter with IotCloudAPIv01. Everything works fine, but it never shows any number in temperature field :( initialy it made the module correctly and shows 26.02, but there is no update.
Can somebody help me?

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8 years 1 month ago #3691 by EasyIoT

majklcze1 wrote: Hi there,
I have exactly followed the tutorial how to program and how to connect ESP with DS18 to make wireless temp. meter with IotCloudAPIv01. Everything works fine, but it never shows any number in temperature field :( initialy it made the module correctly and shows 26.02, but there is no update.
Can somebody help me?

Did you try to enable debug in code to see what's happening on ESP8266 side?

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8 years 1 month ago #3692 by majklcze1
Can you point me how to do that?

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8 years 1 month ago #3693 by majklcze1
I have connected it to Serial link and here is the response in serial monitor:
....Token: K4VxFC7gsrbf16lTJdjfAFFiKB6ReOoyv68ocjei
ModuleId: 0
SetModulType: 0
SetModulName: 0
SetParameterValue: 0
SetParameterDescription: 0
SetParameterUnit: 0
SetLogToDatabase: 0
SetAvreageInterval: 0
Temperature: 85.00
Temperature: 85.00
Temperature: 85.00
Temperature: 85.00
Temperature: 25.94
SetParameterValue: 0
Temperature: 25.94
Temperature: 24.69
SetParameterValue: 0
Temperature: 26.12
SetParameterValue: 0

So the temp is correctly readed, but its not passed throught "SetParameterValue"

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8 years 1 month ago #3694 by EasyIoT

majklcze1 wrote: I have connected it to Serial link and here is the response in serial monitor:

....Token: K4VxFC7gsrbf16lTJdjfAFFiKB6ReOoyv68ocjei
ModuleId: 0
SetModulType: 0
SetModulName: 0
SetParameterValue: 0
SetParameterDescription: 0
SetParameterUnit: 0
SetLogToDatabase: 0
SetAvreageInterval: 0
Temperature: 85.00
Temperature: 85.00
Temperature: 85.00
Temperature: 85.00
Temperature: 25.94
SetParameterValue: 0
Temperature: 25.94
Temperature: 24.69
SetParameterValue: 0
Temperature: 26.12
SetParameterValue: 0

So the temp is correctly readed, but its not passed throught "SetParameterValue"

ModuleId should be different than 0. This is the reason you do not see values.
You have limited number of modules. Look at Config->Accounts Limits if you exceed max module count. If you exceeded module limit then you get new ModuleId 0. I recommend you to delete unused modules in Config->Modules and click module t hen Delete module.

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8 years 1 month ago #3695 by majklcze1
Thanks, it works!
So stupid mistake :( ....

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