No SMS send with HUAWEI E270

10 years 1 month ago - 10 years 1 month ago #315 by redice2k
I have a problem to receive SMS from HUAWEI E270 modem.
The modem is recognized correctly from raspberry and if i try

picocom /dev/ttyUSB0 -b 19200 -l

I'm connect to the modem and with this AT command AT+CMGL= "ALL" , I see all the sms that i have sent :

+CMGL: 13,"REC UNREAD","+xxxxxxxxxxxx",,"15/02/06,15:53:24+04"
+CMGL: 14,"REC UNREAD","+xxxxxxxxxxxx",,"15/02/06,15:57:35+04"
+CMGL: 15,"REC UNREAD","+xxxxxxxxxxxx",,"15/02/06,15:58:46+04"

but I do not receive any SMS in response, i try to change "Alowed sender" from * to my phone number with international code (+39) but nothing changes.

is a compatibility problem with my modem ?

P.S. : another thing, if i'm connect to the modem while EasyIoT is running the modem continuously send "AT OK" message, if I stop EasyIoT the messages end .


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10 years 1 month ago #319 by EasyIoT

redice2k wrote: Hello,
I have a problem to receive SMS from HUAWEI E270 modem.
The modem is recognized correctly from raspberry and if i try

picocom /dev/ttyUSB0 -b 19200 -l

I'm connect to the modem and with this AT command AT+CMGL= "ALL" , I see all the sms that i have sent :

+CMGL: 13,"REC UNREAD","+xxxxxxxxxxxx",,"15/02/06,15:53:24+04"
+CMGL: 14,"REC UNREAD","+xxxxxxxxxxxx",,"15/02/06,15:57:35+04"
+CMGL: 15,"REC UNREAD","+xxxxxxxxxxxx",,"15/02/06,15:58:46+04"

but I do not receive any SMS in response, i try to change "Alowed sender" from * to my phone number with international code (+39) but nothing changes.

is a compatibility problem with my modem ?

P.S. : another thing, if i'm connect to the modem while EasyIoT is running the modem continuously send "AT OK" message, if I stop EasyIoT the messages end .


I't should work, because I'm using basic AT commands. And what do you see in console if you enable debug?

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10 years 1 month ago #321 by redice2k
Hi EasyIoT,
I enabled debug mode on the web interface for SMS and launched easyiot from console but i don't have any messages for sms i have only messages of mysensore node with debug "tag".

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10 years 1 month ago #322 by EasyIoT

redice2k wrote: Hi EasyIoT,
I enabled debug mode on the web interface for SMS and launched easyiot from console but i don't have any messages for sms i have only messages of mysensore node with debug "tag".

That is strange. Try run in console mode (before shutdown service in configure->general settings->shutdown server) and then disable and enable SMS interface. Then send me console output.

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10 years 1 month ago #323 by redice2k
this is the output of console after diasble/enable SMS plugin

2015-02-07T12:04:51.0187940+01:00 INFO System System started
07-02-2015-12-04-55 Web service started
07-02-2015-12-04-57 Listening on port(s):80, 1301
2015-02-07T12:04:57.5708110+01:00 DEBUG MySensors MySensors Connect
================ SPI Configuration ================
CSN Pin = CE0 (PI Hardware Driven)
CE Pin = Custom GPIO25
Clock Speed = 8 Mhz
================ NRF Configuration ================
RX_ADDR_P0-1 = 0xa8a8e1fc00 0xa8a8e1fc00
RX_ADDR_P2-5 = 0xff 0xc4 0xc5 0xc6
TX_ADDR = 0xa8a8e1fcff
RX_PW_P0-6 = 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x00 0x00 0x00
EN_AA = 0x3b
EN_RXADDR = 0x07
RF_CH = 0x4c
RF_SETUP = 0x27
CONFIG = 0x0e
DYNPD/FEATURE = 0x3f 0x06
Data Rate = 250KBPS
Model = nRF24L01+
CRC Length = 16 bits
PA Power = PA_MAX
2015-02-07T12:04:57.7707740+01:00 DEBUG MySensors Mysensors Start driver.
2015-02-07T12:04:58.2596330+01:00 ERROR EasyIoTSMSInterface Internal error4.
2015-02-07T12:04:58.3847290+01:00 DEBUG Esp8266 ESP8266 Connect
2015-02-07T12:04:58.4358650+01:00 DEBUG Esp8266 Server Started
2015-02-07T12:04:58.7727250+01:00 ERROR EasyIoTSMSInterface Internal error.
07-02-2015-12-05-00 [] user:[admin] authentication success: authentication success
2015-02-07T12:05:03.1605960+01:00 DEBUG MySensors Read: 7-7-0 s=0,c=1,t=1,pt=7,l=5:49.2
2015-02-07T12:05:03.3318080+01:00 INFO MySensors N7S0 Sensor.Humidity 49.2 -
2015-02-07T12:05:08.8326810+01:00 INFO EasyIoTWebinterface EasyIoTConfig Webinterface IsAdmin /Api/EasyIoT/Config/Webinterface/IsAdmin//?_=1423305841237
2015-02-07T12:05:11.1251220+01:00 INFO EasyIoTWebinterface EasyIoTConfig Smsinterface GetEnabled /Api/EasyIoT/Config/Smsinterface/GetEnabled/?_=1423305841238
2015-02-07T12:05:11.1531620+01:00 INFO EasyIoTWebinterface EasyIoTConfig Smsinterface GetPort /Api/EasyIoT/Config/Smsinterface/GetPort/?_=1423305841239
2015-02-07T12:05:11.1744030+01:00 INFO EasyIoTWebinterface EasyIoTConfig Smsinterface GetAlowedSender /Api/EasyIoT/Config/Smsinterface/GetAlowedSender/?_=1423305841240
2015-02-07T12:05:11.1959880+01:00 INFO EasyIoTWebinterface EasyIoTConfig Smsinterface GetDebugMode /Api/EasyIoT/Config/Smsinterface/GetDebugMode/?_=1423305841241
2015-02-07T12:05:14.2872410+01:00 INFO EasyIoTWebinterface EasyIoTConfig Smsinterface SetEnabled /Api/EasyIoT/Config/Smsinterface/SetEnabled/0/
2015-02-07T12:05:23.5598210+01:00 INFO EasyIoTWebinterface EasyIoTConfig Smsinterface SetEnabled /Api/EasyIoT/Config/Smsinterface/SetEnabled/1/
2015-02-07T12:05:37.1057240+01:00 DEBUG MySensors Read: 7-7-0 s=0,c=1,t=1,pt=7,l=5:49.0
2015-02-07T12:05:37.1146190+01:00 INFO MySensors N7S0 Sensor.Humidity 49.0 -
2015-02-07T12:05:37.1317670+01:00 DEBUG MySensors Read: 7-7-0 s=2,c=1,t=38,pt=7,l=5:4.2

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10 years 1 month ago #324 by EasyIoT

redice2k wrote: this is the output of console after diasble/enable SMS plugin

2015-02-07T12:04:51.0187940+01:00 INFO System System started
07-02-2015-12-04-55 Web service started
07-02-2015-12-04-57 Listening on port(s):80, 1301
2015-02-07T12:04:57.5708110+01:00 DEBUG MySensors MySensors Connect
================ SPI Configuration ================
CSN Pin = CE0 (PI Hardware Driven)
CE Pin = Custom GPIO25
Clock Speed = 8 Mhz
================ NRF Configuration ================
RX_ADDR_P0-1 = 0xa8a8e1fc00 0xa8a8e1fc00
RX_ADDR_P2-5 = 0xff 0xc4 0xc5 0xc6
TX_ADDR = 0xa8a8e1fcff
RX_PW_P0-6 = 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x00 0x00 0x00
EN_AA = 0x3b
EN_RXADDR = 0x07
RF_CH = 0x4c
RF_SETUP = 0x27
CONFIG = 0x0e
DYNPD/FEATURE = 0x3f 0x06
Data Rate = 250KBPS
Model = nRF24L01+
CRC Length = 16 bits
PA Power = PA_MAX
2015-02-07T12:04:57.7707740+01:00 DEBUG MySensors Mysensors Start driver.
2015-02-07T12:04:58.2596330+01:00 ERROR EasyIoTSMSInterface Internal error4.
2015-02-07T12:04:58.3847290+01:00 DEBUG Esp8266 ESP8266 Connect
2015-02-07T12:04:58.4358650+01:00 DEBUG Esp8266 Server Started
2015-02-07T12:04:58.7727250+01:00 ERROR EasyIoTSMSInterface Internal error.
07-02-2015-12-05-00 [] user:[admin] authentication success: authentication success
2015-02-07T12:05:03.1605960+01:00 DEBUG MySensors Read: 7-7-0 s=0,c=1,t=1,pt=7,l=5:49.2
2015-02-07T12:05:03.3318080+01:00 INFO MySensors N7S0 Sensor.Humidity 49.2 -
2015-02-07T12:05:08.8326810+01:00 INFO EasyIoTWebinterface EasyIoTConfig Webinterface IsAdmin /Api/EasyIoT/Config/Webinterface/IsAdmin//?_=1423305841237
2015-02-07T12:05:11.1251220+01:00 INFO EasyIoTWebinterface EasyIoTConfig Smsinterface GetEnabled /Api/EasyIoT/Config/Smsinterface/GetEnabled/?_=1423305841238
2015-02-07T12:05:11.1531620+01:00 INFO EasyIoTWebinterface EasyIoTConfig Smsinterface GetPort /Api/EasyIoT/Config/Smsinterface/GetPort/?_=1423305841239
2015-02-07T12:05:11.1744030+01:00 INFO EasyIoTWebinterface EasyIoTConfig Smsinterface GetAlowedSender /Api/EasyIoT/Config/Smsinterface/GetAlowedSender/?_=1423305841240
2015-02-07T12:05:11.1959880+01:00 INFO EasyIoTWebinterface EasyIoTConfig Smsinterface GetDebugMode /Api/EasyIoT/Config/Smsinterface/GetDebugMode/?_=1423305841241
2015-02-07T12:05:14.2872410+01:00 INFO EasyIoTWebinterface EasyIoTConfig Smsinterface SetEnabled /Api/EasyIoT/Config/Smsinterface/SetEnabled/0/
2015-02-07T12:05:23.5598210+01:00 INFO EasyIoTWebinterface EasyIoTConfig Smsinterface SetEnabled /Api/EasyIoT/Config/Smsinterface/SetEnabled/1/
2015-02-07T12:05:37.1057240+01:00 DEBUG MySensors Read: 7-7-0 s=0,c=1,t=1,pt=7,l=5:49.0
2015-02-07T12:05:37.1146190+01:00 INFO MySensors N7S0 Sensor.Humidity 49.0 -
2015-02-07T12:05:37.1317670+01:00 DEBUG MySensors Read: 7-7-0 s=2,c=1,t=38,pt=7,l=5:4.2

You have error:
2015-02-07T12:04:58.2596330+01:00	ERROR	EasyIoTSMSInterface	Internal error4.
Means that EIoT did not get response to AT command.
Is modem still visible in lsusb?

Yesterday I've upgraded my Raspberry with new firmware and during night modem stop working. Before it works couple of weeks without problems - I'm testing it couple of times every day. So today it stops working. After reboot it also did't work. I try many things switching USB port, testing on Windows machine, rebooting and it didn't work. It was even not visible in lsusb. Then suddenly start working. It's visible in lsusb and it works in EIoT. I don't know why this happened. It looks like modem is not correctly recognized in linux. I think this is linux or modswitch issue, not EasyIoT server issue. In EasyIoT server I'm using simple commands in following order:
and delete message x AT+CMGD=x

I'm using Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. E398 LTE/UMTS/GSM Modem/Networkcard. I also try with Huawei E160X (Vodafone K3565 Rev 2) - with this modem it works only half an hour and then modem stops responding. It's not visible in lsbus. It starts working after reboot. Both modems work OK under Windows.

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