Now I have a few sensors here I figured I would try move a couple to the server and decided to try it on my main box.
It appeared to run fine so I quit the server to read up a little more.
the next time I try it crashes out completely.
I only have a greyed out screenshot so include it here for any help.
Running win7 x64 pro with a good compliment of hardware so I doubt thats the issue.
Added the folder to exclusions in Avast.
Tried it both as admin and regular user when trying to launch.
Once I have run it does it set anything up in the registry I may need to delete such as paths etc ?
OOPS looks like I was trying to run a pi version...
Do unto others before they get chance to scr3w you over
Last edit: 9 years 3 months ago by BadBallscrewBob. Reason: my mistake