I downloaded mono-3.12.0.tar.bz2 from
following This
. The tarball is made of thousands of tiny files, it takes a while to unzip.
The 500MB unzipped source code was put on a 32GB hi-speed NTFS usb key mounted R/W, in order to have anought space and protect the SD card from a lot of I/O access. Once mounted, I did a coarse chown 755 to all files because the exec files lost their x attributes during copy to NTFS.
I overclocked the RaspberryPi to 950MHz, stopped all daemons to gain CPU and set in the shell $LANG=en_GB to insure a better chance of success.
Compilation ran overnight and produced the same amount of output files.
And as far as I can say EasyIoT doesn't complains of this new environnement.