This tutorial will explain how to build ESP8266 Arduino water leak sensor with ESP8266 EasyIoT library and EasyIoT server. It can be also used as rain or soil moisture sensor.


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3.3V 8Mhz Arduino Pro Mini3.3V 8Mhz Arduino Pro Mini


-Water sensor with digital output


Humidity and Rain Detection Sensor ModuleHumidity and Rain Detection Sensor Module


First we connect Arduino and ESP8266. If you are using 5V Arduino read Arduino 5V ESP8266 connection how to do it.  In case of 3.3V arduino use Arduino 3.3V ESP8266 connection tutorial.

 Water sensor


Then connect water leak sensor to Arduino. Connect power supply to sensor (Gnd and Vcc) and digital output of sensor to digital pin 2 of Arduino.

Next step is program Arduino. ESP8266 leak sensor can be download from GitHub. Don't forget to set server IP, AP and AP username and password in Esp8266EasyIoTConfig.h.

After you program Arduino add new sensor to EasyIoT sensor. This can be done under Configuration->Drivers->ESP8266 in EasyIoT server web interface. After you successfully added new sensor add new module in one of groups. If you done everything correctly you should see sensor in front page.

Esp8266 water sensor

In next post we will show how to build even more sensors with EsyIoT library, so be sure to come back on this site.

See more tutorials at ​​


Buying guide

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5V 16Mhz Arduino Pro Mini

Small but powerful suitable for most DIY Arduino projects.

3.3V 8Mhz Arduino Pro Mini

3.3V Arduino version. No need for shift leveler when using ESP8266.

Arduino Mega 2560

For bigger Arduino projects.

Humidity and Rain Detection Sensor Module

Soil Humidity Hygrometer Moisture Detection Sensor

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ESP8266 ESP-05 Serial WIFI Wireless Transceiver Module

ESP8266 ESP-05 Serial WIFI Wireless Transceiver Module


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